So I know I have been absent for a while to be honest I was trying to get my shit together and that was a bust I am and will probably always suck at being a super house wife and you know what I don’t give a damn I am trying my best and that should be good enough.

So my house is still a mess and I am a even bigger mess but my family still loves me for some reason. I did come across some really good ideas while digging through google like a mad person searching “how to become a super housewife” and “how to become more productive in your house” where I found TONS of cleaning checklists and women gloating about “my life is so perfect, my house is spotless my hair is done and perfect and my nail polish is perfect and not a single chip in it, I have a full make up face on, and I have so much time to bake cookies and watch dancing with the stars” well I just want to say FUCK YOU! haha no I am just kidding I wish that was me, I am like that for about a week and then I just don’t give a shit anymore and if you don’t like it screw you! I don’t have the energy to clean my whole damn house in the evening like some people do, but I do find it helpful to do something even if it is just picking up all the sweets wrappers from of the ground I did something. It also helped me a lot while I am on YouTube every time that there is a ad or it has to load I force myself to do something before I am aloud to watch the video. that way I still get to do what I want to and my house gets clean as well. I last at least a couple of hours until my daughter gets home so by the time my boyfriend gets home from work it looks as if I didn’t do anything AT ALL.

Well my house is coming along but my hair is still a mess everyday and my nail polish looks as if my 2 year old did it and I don’t wear make up everyday but at least my home is a happy home messy and all.

If you have any awesome tips on maintaining a clean house please feel free to comment down below this mamma would love to read it.

sending you all of my positive energy

2 Comments Add yours

  1. I have the same problem only I have a regular 8-5 and two kids. I hate doing the dishes, the laundry stays in the dry until it has been worn again and we are in the middle of moving. However, I have done the same thing by searching the internet. I found the same lists and one thing came to mind, my husband knew how I was when he married me (10yrs), I have gotten better over the years. My problem is I lose focus , overwhelmed or get bored then i stop. What has helped me to stay focused on the job is music, play it as loud as you like and go to town. I have also started giving the kids little things to do to help. I understand, it is overwhelming especially when you just clean an entire house and your little mini me comes behind like a tornado. I have given up on my kids room until we move in about a month, its pointless I seriously went through their toys and got rid of about 2 garbage bags full of toys and you would never be able to tell. Kids make it harder to keep a house clean until they are old enough to help. Luckily mine are at that age and once we move they have another thing coming 🙂


    1. That is some awesome tips I love the one about the music. my biggest problem with baby to help is that she only likes to vacuum or mop. and end up making a bigger mess but I know its part of learning. luckily my boyfriend also new what he gotten him self in the day he met me I didn’t keep it a secret that I suck. good luck with the moving I know what pain in the ass that can be.

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